Each scraper edge is designed to extend wear life and wear sharp throughout its life decreasing cycle times and reducing cost per yard moved. Select from multiple value-added cutting edges, such as the HD or XHD versions. Or choose a serrated tooth edge for truly tough jobs. No matter what the digging conditions, Bucyrus Blades has a scraper edge combination to match customer needs. Scrapers equipped with ESCO quality cutting edges work longer, on high-speed schedules, with less frequent downtime for cutting edge changes.
Bucyrus Blades scrapers feature:
- Reduced operating costs and downtime for changes
- Drop-center serrated cutting edges
- Close set teeth to break up soil load with less resistance level cuts with no deep ridges
- Self-sharpening teeth for continued maximum penetration
- Bucyrus Blades steels which fight abrasion wear and impact breakage for longer cutting edge life
- Fast, easy change from toothed to straight cutting edge as job conditions warrant
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